The combination of established star getting on a bit, in this case Antanio Bandaras, and simple action-oriented title conjures up old man kicking ass vibes like "The Equalizer" or "Taken". This is not one of those films.
Its not clear whether it isn't one of those films because it doesn't have the action budget or if it genuinely has pretentions towards being a Taxi Driver esqe hard boiled thriller. Either way the result is a snooze fest. There is nothing wrong with a minimal action thriller but the spaces need to build tension and intrigue, not have characters meander around until a contrived conclusion. Everything seems tiny in scope, with supposedly large scale criminal organisations run by a couple of guys and a cliche spouting crime boss who seemingly has one henchman.
Antonio Bandaras brings some class to the title role but there isn't much he can do with a character who's one trait is "estranged from his daughter" and who does less to drive the plot than random coincidence does. Likewise, Mojin Aria does his best to portrey his character "Stray" (he's from the streets you see) as a scrappy survivor who's on the edge and just wants to improve his lot in life but is stuck with laughable romance dialogue and a mentorship angle with Bandaras that boils down to a one job, a handful of sentences and some car trouble.
It really feels like everyone involved just wanted to get this film over and done with. Anyone watching will share that sentiment.
4 dead gangsters out of 10 in the whole city.
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