The tagline for The Monkey is, "Everybody Dies, And That's Fucked Up". Seldom has a slogan summed up a film so succinctly. While director Osgood Perkins may have spent his career to date crafting slow burn phycological horrors he turns the volume up to eleven this time round with a gonzo and completely over the top, abyssal black, comedy featuring flying limbs and a ledger filling bodycount. Based very loosely on the Stephen King short story of the same name, the titular simian is an old wind up toy that plays a drum. Wind it at your peril however as every time the drum strikes, someone dies, usually in an excessively gruesome way. There is no influencing who it decides to take and no destroying it. The film opens with a father desperately trying to get rid of the unwanted toy and then switches to his twin sons, Hal and his placenta hogging bully of a "big" brother Bill. We spend a little time with them as youths in 1999, as the monkey reeks havoc on their ch...