Wakanda Forever somehow manages to be far too long while simultaneously leaving the world building, plot and some characters underbaked. Given Ryan Coogler is an excellent director and how much experience Marvel has with these films by now its hard to believe real world events haven't played some part in the patchiness.
You feel that real world intrusion right from the off, with Shuri, played by (reported anti-vaxxer) Letitia Wright scrambling to devise a cure for her brothers illness. While I'm sure Disney would really not like you to ponder the potential irony of this scene they most definitely do want you to feel the real life loss of Chadwick Boseman and you would need a heart of stone not to be kicked in the feels by images and mentions of the much missed former star. Backing up the emotion are some great performances, particularly a barn storming showing from Angela Barnes who really should have had more screen time. The film is more of an ensemble piece than most Marvel movies but Shuri is definitely the main character and, whatever problems her beliefs may or may not have caused during filming, Letica Wright is excellent. She sells her grief and anger, creating a much more rounded character than the usual college fratboy MCU heroes. Tenoch Huerta is decent as newcomer Namor but really could have done with more time to flesh out a character that is supposed to be both antagonist and noble defender of his people.
Its that issue of timing that is Wakanda Forever's biggest issue. Its too long but many elements are undercooked as the film is more interested in setting up a Disney + show than fleshing out Namor's world and charcters don't get the screen time they need due to a completely superfluous side plot involving Martin Freeman's CIA agent. The inclusion of Freeman's Everett Ross is particularly egregious as we would really be better served exploring the new underwater world than watching him flirt and squabble with his boss/ex partner and his inclusion seems to be part of the film makers dissapionting reluctance to shift the focus too far from America. Not a great move when your films biggest strength is its cultural diversity.
When you weight some great performances and decent set pieces against the messy plotting and lack of focus you're left with a standard quality Marvel film which, at this length at least, is becoming harder to recommend.
6 respectful epitaphs out of 10 cynical cash grabs.
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